This is a list of the current help available.

Celebrate Recovery. This is an open group (anyone can come or leave) that is church based. A group of people meet once a week to celebrate recovery. In most cases all addictions are included in the group. The first hours or so is the whole group listening to a testimony the second hour the genders are separated and in many places there is enough people to separate by addiction: chemical dependency (alcohol and drugs), sexual and even co-dependency. The women’s group is typically divided as well in love addiction, substance and “life issues”.

12 Steps. This is a closed group (usually does not accept members after the 4 meeting. The fact that is closed allows the members to develop trust so that open and honesty can be practiced. There are many books that explain the steps and are readily available in amazon and other sites.

Every Mans Battle. This is an intensive 3 days. It is given by NewLife ministries. It is usually taken soon after discovery. When the world as we know it has collapse and everyone is angry and there is no clear idea what will happen or were to go.

Ministries series. Churches have come up with their courses to address the sexual addiction in the christian community. One of the best is the Conquer Series. Another one very good one is the one offered by Watermark Community Church. Nowadays many participants are taken this online, making it possible to join from anywhere.

Covenant Eyes. This software help you be accountable in the use of the computer. It requires to have a person that checks your activities. The addict can not control himself and it is not the job of the wife to do so.

Professional Counselor. The sexual addict needs to have a counselor with the right training. Typically the CSAT will follow the name of the counselor. A list of counselors in your area can be found in this site. A marriage counselor is NOT the right counselor. Sexual addiction is not a couple problem it is personal problem.

Spiritual Counselor. Usually a pastor or a leader in the men’s ministry will be able to fill that role. This man does not replace the need of a professional counselor. The role of this person is to help you get closer to God.

Accountability Partner. This person is essential in your recovery. He walks with you in your road of recovery. He check on your progress. He is not your best friend that covers you when you fail. He is the one that keeps you in the narrow path even with tough love. He speaks the truth even when it hurts.

Mentor. This person has gone before you in his recovery road. He was previously an addict himself. He knows the steps. He knows the lies and eventually became free.